Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday 11/30/2012

Sleep 11pm-6:30am: 7.5 hours

Coaching: 7am, 8am, 9am,10am
Admin- 12-2pm
Coaching:4:30pm,5:30pm. 6:30pm

Upon Awaking- Coffee black, Protien Shake w/ Almond milk
Breakfast @ 11am- 2 eggs, 2 bacon, 1 slice turkey meat + latte
Lunch 3pm - Turkey Sand which, whet bread, avocado, cucumber, tomatoes

Workout @ 7:30pm

8min AMRAP = 6 rounds
8 KBS 1.5pd - solid
6 TTB -solid
4 Push ups -solid
20 double unders - broken a few times tonight (focus)

4min Rest
8min AMRAP = 4 Rounds
10 Thrusters  #33- solid
8 Box J - Breathing high here
6 R Dips - solid
100m Row
Rest 4min
Airyne 10min AMRAP
...went for 4min and it dies ;-/ so I cooled down will put some new batteries in and do it Sunday.

Post workout Meal- Salad, 2 oz Chicken, 1 egg,

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday 11/29

 Sleep 10:15pm-5:00am = 6:45min ;-( need more sleep, been tired all week, I have also noticed that I have been hungry for simple sugar carbohydrate during the day and eating it...lots going on, moving, busy at the gym etc. Reminding myself to stay positive and to be thankful...lots of good things happening just trying to grasp it all and stay in control :-/

8am Meal 1- 2 egs, 2 pc bacon, 1 slice turkey, black coffee

12pm Meal 2 - 3 pc choclate, Protein Shake with almond milk

2:30pm Meal 3- 1.5 cups chk curry with 1/2 cup white rice

4:30pm snack Green Tea + 1/2 slice Banana bread

Workout @ 6:30pm
1. Snatch Balance 3,3,3,3,3 / 2min rest #85, #85, #95,#95,#95...not heavy, but its been awhile since I have done SB so worked on landing in balance,solid.

2. Wt Chin up 3,3,2,2 /2min #20,#25,#35,#35

video coming....

For time
5 p clean @ 95
5 Rope Climb @15ft
4 p clean @ 115
4 Rope Climb @15ft
3 p Clean @ 135
3 Rope Climbs
2 p clean @ 155
2 rope climbs
1 p clean @ 165
1 Rope Climb


8pm- 2 oz sliced turkey + 1 slice bacon + 2 oz Cheese+ 8 crackers, Powerade Zero

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday 11/28

 11:40pm- 6:30am- 7hyrs ...woke up Tired

was interupted with a walk-in (who actually signed made some $). Then 10am client came 10minutes early so I got 40min on the Airdyne. I was looking forward to this cause I just needed to sweat and clear my head...

Airdyne 40 minute zone 1- good sweat

No swimming yet :-/

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday 11/27/2012

 Sleep: 9:45pm- 5am --7:15hrs (solid sleep)

Back in action after a battle with a flu virus..boooo! So a week behind original schedule...I changed the  organization of this training week so next week can flow as planned.

Wake up: 1 scoop greens mix, 1/2 scoop protien, 1 cup almonds milk, black coffee
Coaching 5:30, 6:30, 9am 
Breakfast @ 8am: 2 eggs 1 slice deli turkey, 1 piece bacon

Workout @11am

1. Clean Grip DL 5/ 205#, 5/215#, 5/215# / 2min RR
2A. Close Grip BP  3/ 135#, 3/145#, 2/ 155# / 90sec RR
2B. Push Press 8/ 85, 8/95, 6/ 105 /90sec RR

Shoulders achy today....weird after 5 days off...sore on PP

24min Clock

8 KBS 1.5- Easy no fatigue
6 TTB - Easy no fatugue
4 HSPU...all kipping unbroken

Lunch @ 1:30pm: 1 Slice Banana Bread, 2oz Packed Tuna, green tea

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tuesday 11/20/2012

Warm up on AD + dyn stretches + mobility

1. Build to 1RM in High Box Sq Clean *115/3, 135/3, 155/3, 165/1,170/1, 175X, 175X

2. F SQ 3 x 4-5 @22X1; 2min RR- #155, 155, 160...harder today than last week...used belt (fatigue from max's?)

3. 20min of
Odd 4 Thrusters #100 all unbroken
Even 6 CTB all unbroken

felt strong in both all the way through with both exercises

Monday, November 19, 2012

Sunday 11/18/2012

After a busy Saturday "Grrand Opeing of our Climbing Wall" we had a local climbing comp...I ended up coming in Sunday to finish my Friday session.  All movements felt failed sets no grunt efforts with almost everything except 2 pd kb
  For a total of 8 rounds each (32 total min)
min 1- 8 heavy overhead KBS (2 pood)- grunt effort at with last few sets
min 2- 6 ring push ups - easy to complete
min 3- 6 toes to bar- easy to complete
min 4 - 8 burpees- easier

Friday 16th, 2012

A. 3 position paused hang  squat clean - high, mid thigh, below knee - 1.1.1 x 5; rest 2 min
wts: 135, 145, 150,150,155 #

B. TnG deadlift: 10,10,10,10,10; rest 1 min (increase weight per set)
wts: 175,185, 195, 205, 215 

Below Video1& 2 are w/ 150# 3rd is with 155#


last 2 sets of Dead-Lift session 205# & 215#...building every minute

Tuesday 13th, 2012

1. PAUSED Front squat @32x1, 3-4 x 5; rest 2 min

wts: 135, 145,145,155,165#

Video is last 2 sets of Fr Squat...pausing felt solid....usually I feel vulnerable at the bottom. NO belt which is good since in the past few months I have been using it for all Squats.


On the minute for 20 min
Even: 6 COVP chin ups - felt this was easy to complete.
Odd- 4 kipping hspu - ALL UNBROKEN fatigue last few sets only

Thursday, November 15, 2012

MONDAY 11-13-2012

Had some teammember building sessions at the gym ....jumped in....i know. : /

3 sets
12 SDLHP # 95
90sec Row for max meters --395, 405, 401
2:00 RR

3 sets
12 Thrusters
60 AMRAP DU 57,55, 67
2:00 Rest

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday 12-2012

12 min amrap @85% ...Completed 3 1/2 rounds
2 muscle ups - quick singles
8 ball slams - 20#
30 double unders
AD 20calories
Rest 6 min

12 min amrap @85%...Completed 5 rounds
5 ring push ups
10 kbs 2 pood russian
5 burpee broad jumps
Row 200m
rest 6 min

12 min amrap @85% ....Completed 4 rounds + 7+7+7
7 chin ups
7 goblet squat - 1.5 pd
7 box jumps 20"- step down
Airdyne 20 calories
(work on breathing without grunting and constant movement)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

SAturday 11-10-2012

7:30am Wake coffee

Protein shake + Handful of almonds and cashews
8am-9am- coaching

9:30am WORKOUT

30minutes of...

EVEN minute- 5 TnG PS # 65- worked on keeping middle/upper back locked down, and moving quickly through the pockets....timing seems to be an issue as I have been hitching for a while.

ODD minute- 7 Ring Dips

+ (rested 10minutes)...shouldn't have done that

10min AMRAP
105# FSQ 3UB,6UB,9(6-3,12 (7-5),15(9-6),10UB.....

CTB Pull ups 3UB,6UB,9 (6-3),12(6-6),15 (5-5-5)

left hip pain at bottom of squat...just felt tight.

12pm- First sno shoe of the season!! about 1 hour-ish ...felt good to be on the mountain.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Thursday 11-9-2012

1. Power Clean 3,3,3,3 / 90sec rest #135 TnG
worked on fast middle

2.  5min AMRAP of 5 Unboken CTB
completed 10 rds

3. 10min AMRAP
15 Power Cleans UB,UB,UB,UB,8-7,8-7,8-7, 9-6, 9
30 Double Unders ---broke 3 x
369 reps

PWO - 1.5 scoop Recoverite

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wednesday 11/7/2012

a1. squat clean - 2/145#  2/155#  2/155#  2/160#  2/160#  rest 2 min - 80-90%
a2. ring dips kipping - amrap (-2) x 5; rest 2 min
for time:
row 1K
30 kbs - 1.5 pd  --20-10
30 burpees--

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday 11/6/2012

5:30am wake up

7am - Black coffee + 1/2 lara bar

Meal 1@ 9am- 2 turkey jerky links, 2 slices roast beef, handfull nuts, 2 apple slices

11:30- Fast Fuel + other half of lara bar

Workout 12:30pm
a1. push press @ 12X2; 6/105#,4/115#,2/125#,6/115#,4/130#,2/140#; rest 2 min
a2.mixed grip chin ups unweighted @ 31X1; amrap (-1) x 6; rest 2 min

Workout 4:45pm
5 rds for time:
10 push press - 95# UB, UB, 6-4,6-4,5-5
10 CTB chin ups UB,UB, 6-4,5-5-5,5-5
10 box jumps - 20" UB all sets


note: did a 10 minute warm up, wasn't as long as i needed for this workout, round three felt warm.
after the workout still walking and breathing hard...more aerobic feeling. NEed to string together complete sets of CTB & PP to get better response

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday 10-4-2012

woke up @ 7am

8:30am Meal 1- 2 eggs, soy sausage, veggies, handful grapes, 20 nuts

11:00am WORKOUT "Christine"
3rds for time: 500m Row + 12 bwt DL +21 box jumps 20"
dead-lift- #160; finished 10:49

round 1- 3:03
round 2- 3:57
round 3- 3:48

note: box jumps blasted me...

Post Workout response..back on the floor and rolling side to side ...HURT :-/

PWO - 2 scoops Recoverite + handful nuts

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saturday 11/3/2012


going into this I felt a little low
10-12min sweat on skin, i was burning up, and hurting ..
mentally washed out last drive to die... to get through thrusters and pullups 

20min amrap
20 thrusters #95 10-5-5/5-5-5-5/5-5-5-5/5-5-5-5
20 pull ups 10-10/10-10/10-10/10
20 burpees broken in 5's

3 rds + 20 thrusters + 10 pull ups

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thursday Nov. 1st 2012

Workout 9:30am w/ coach and team

1. Power Clean Cluster X 3 / 2min rest (no tng sets)
#155 for all sets...worked on locking down middle back in set up and no hitching

13 rds
3 Power Snatches #85
2 MU's
10 sit ups

- snatches work on speed through hip, no hitch
- mu stay tight in catch (fell through rings today with fatigue), keep hands tight to sides "squeeze"

 50min  zone 1 hike @ pinnacle peak