Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturday 3/30/2012


Attempt 2- 13.4

Clean & Jerk 3/6/5-4/3-3-3-2-2-2/3-2-3-2-2-1-1-1/3-1
T2B 3/6/5-4/4-4-4/4-3-3-3-2/

94 reps

better control through 12's didn't start feeling the push till 15's
after I was done I felt I did I everything I could....this should have been my first attempt score...should have gone for more reps on Sunday, but chose to rest instead.


Sunday-- mentally breaking down, let other distraction get in my head.

Q's? Why do people show up in my life that challenge "self", meaning who I am, what I'm about and my integrity? Does it mean I still have more searching to do inside? My reasons for doing what I do...are that the right reasons?

I'm challenged most often in my business; lack of self esteem? believing in myself and feeling content with ME. The idea of myself sometimes isn't a positive reflection...I'm looking at a scared, defensive, pissed off girl...where is that coming from?

Maybe the only way to really let go of false perception of self is to own up to who I am now.  The gifts God gave me are powerful when I own up to them. Confident that I am on the right path and where I need to be right now.... so I can see my weaknesses.  I need growth from these insecurities to move forward.  and I wont move forward until i embrass who I am and give the effort to expect more from Robin Lyons and become everything I am capable of.... fuck fighting in small battles that don't bring me and the rest of those around me UP.  Life is about impacting others either positivly or do I want to impact my clietnts, athletes and friends.

 I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday 3/29/2013

pre game prep

10min warm up + dynamic mobility
Build to tough PC
3-6 Power Cleans #95
3-6 T2B
rest 30-90sec
 x 5

worked on PC catch and jerk HR up a little to feel flow and control that I want Saturday.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wednesday 3/27/2013

6PM- 13.4

7 minute AMRAP
Clean and Jerk #95

84 reps
felt no flow through the entire workout with the CJ's...broke up work way too much.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday 3/26/2013

 AM- Airdyne 20min zone 1

 PM - 5pm

warm up Airdyne + row

1. Squat Snatch/ Snatch balance tech work (on the minute 8-12 minutes @ 50-70% 1RM for 2-3 reps)

2. Thruster / T2B  combo practice - 10min
#65 thrusters 3-5 reps + 3-5 T2B x 4-5 sets / 60-90sec rest bwt sets

5 TnG Power Clean moderate load #105
row 90 seconds @ 85% - held 1:55-1:58 pace felt like 90%+ when done.
rest 2min
x 3

Sore and tired, lower back acting up... called it.....
didn't do ....

5 TnG Cleans moderate load
AD 90sec @ 85%
rest 2min

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday 3/24/2013

Break fast- 10:30am
1/4 cup gluten free oats + 1/2 scoop protein
2 eggs (didn't finish)
black coffee


12:30pm - pre workout mix

13.3- 1:30pm

12min amrap
150 WB (finished 6:35)
90 DU (8:39)
30 MU (10 muscle ups....false grip, singles, breaks 5-20 sec...

250 reps...2 more than last year.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Saturday 3/23/2013


5 min AD @ 1
10sec hard
50sec easy
30sec aerobic good output
walk rest off bike 30sec x 10
5min z1

PM- 1pm
25 minute general prep as if you are doing the workout 
 airdyne + dynamic+mobility
15 min specific prep on the movements, reps,etc..
5 rounds of..
10 WB
30 DU
1-2 MU
rest 2:00

3min easy spin on AD + Stretch

felt good...practiced false grip muscle up strategy for tomorrow...gonna roll with it

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday 2/21/2013


none ...blacks coffee
took longer than expected (meant to do the wod at 9:30am)
grabed a Nutri bar and nuts at the gas station....was feeling low fuel after warm up @ 11am.

12 minute amrap
150 Wallball shots
90 Double unders
30 Muscle ups

had 3minutes after double unders, no false grip technique for all reps, 3,1, (1 miss), 1(miss),(miss), gased after putting THREE together in swing tech...probably a combination of fuel and conditioning for mu's
245 reps...know I can get more....I rest almost 90sec....

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday 3/19/2013

row 30 sec @ 90%
walk rest 20 sec
AD 30 sec @ 90%
walk rest 20 sec
amrap DU's in 30 sec
walk 20 sec rest
x 12
MU work / pistol work

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday 3/17/2013

Re-Due 13.2


10min AMRAP
5 PP
10 DL #75
15 Box Jumps 20" (step ups and downs)

completed 10 rds + 6 reps = 306

Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday 3/15/2013

Training AM

15min warm up
10sets or rowing
20sec AirDyne @ 90%
40sec rest walk off rower
13.2 practice

1rd with step downs @ 100% for time 47sec

2rds @90%; 53sec
3 pp
5 dl
7 bj

rest 5min



7pm - tried for a redue....blast the first 3 rds too fast and stopped at round 5

later Saturday found out I could step up and down...

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday 13.2 WOD 3/13/2013


10minute amrap
5 Push Press #75
10 DL #75
15 Box Jump 20"

260...with box jumps, bar was to far from box in transition bt exercises...need to tighten it up

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tuesday 3/12/2013


1. Sq Snatch / Snatch Balance tech work 50-70%; 8-12 minutes 2-3 reps #65-75
2. Front Sq/ Thruster / Pistol practice
5 Tng Pull movements
PC #95 + 90sec AD @ 85% /2:00 rest
PS #75 + 90sec AD @ 85% /2:00 rest
DL #175 90sec AD @ 85% /2:00 rest
5 TnG Squat Movments
Squat Clean #115 (heavy) Row@ 85% /2:00rest
OHS #85 Row @85% /2:00rest
Back Squat #135 Row @ 85% /2:00 rest ( sore knees)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday 3/11/13


AM- MAP work felt good
3 min AD @ Z1
AD 20sec @ 90% aer
40sec walk rest x 20
AD 3min @ Z1

PM - MAP work felt sluggish...tired
Row 1K Easy
Row sec @ 1:45/500m (1:45-47)
rest 30sec x 20
(couldn't hold intensity, so so cut back on volume....coached advised on MAP work to decrease intensity if needed, BUT KEEP volume )

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday 3/10/2013

Attempt # 2

Breakfast- 1/4 gluten free oats + 1 egg + pre workout mix

40 burpees (3:00) unbroken
30 #45 Snatches
30  Burpees Unbroken
30 #75 Snatches
20 Burpees
30 #100 Snatches (24 reps)
10 Burpees
AMRAP #120 Snatches

Completed 174 reps

Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday 8/2013

Prep Workout 5:30pm

15min Warm up
20sec Row@90%
rest 40sec off rower x 10
amrap DU's in 20 sec
rest 40sec x5
PS TnG Work- #75 x 5; rest 30sec, 3-5 burpees; rest 30sec x 6

practiced burpee tempo and pace for attempt #2 Sunday

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thursday 3/7/2012

Sleep 11pm -5am

Coached 5am, 6am, 9am

8AM easy Airdyne 15 minutes

2:30pm- walked the dogs 1 hour

Coached 4:30pm,5:30pm

Ice Bath 15 min
Hot Shower 10 min

8pm Dinner - Sweet potato fries + 3oz Steak

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesday 3/6/2013 OPENS 13.1 RELEASE

Sleep 9:30pm- 7:30am- light sleep

6pm 13.1
40 burpees
30 snatches #45
30 burpees
30 snatches #75
20 burpees
30 snatches #100
10 burpees
AMRAP snatches #120

first attempt 165...went out too hot and couldn't regain control.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tuesday 3/5/2013

Sleep 10pm- 7:30am

AM- Black Coffee, Pro shake
9am Coaching

1. Sq Snatch/balance tech work (on the minute for 8-12minutes)
used 65-75lbs
5 tng pull movement
power clean #95, power snatch #85, Deadlift #185
90sec Airdyne @ 85%
rest 2:00

5 tng Sq movement
#115 Sq Clean, #95 Thruster, #135 Back Sq
90sec Row @ 85%
rest 2:00

Squat movement felt tougher today, beathing higher, knees sore at back squat.
otherwise all was good

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sunday 3/3/2013

Sleep 11pm- 8am - not a deep sleep

Pre- Workout mix (lean rev)
9am Workout
1. HSPU 4 every minute for 10min- took awhile to warm up shoulders, ended up doing 3 for the last 4minutes
2A. Push Press 3x3; 2min rest
2B. KB Russian Swing 3x15; 2pood /2:00 rest
Hang Power Clean #115 (15, 6-4-2, 5-4)
Airdyne Calories ( avg watts- 474w, 364w, 450-80w)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Satursday 3/2/2013

Sleep 11:30pm- 7:45

9am Coaching

1. Thrusters 3,2,1 / 2min  #115, #125, #135 (shoulders sore, didn't warm up enough)
2. Sq Snatch 1,1,1 / 2min #110,115, 115 / 2min
3. CTB Unbroken for time 3 x 15 / 2min (24sec each for all)

Wall Ball Shots
Hand release burpees

note: unbroken burpees and wall balls, no breaks just moving.


Friday 3/1/2013

 Sleep 10pm - 7:30am

black coffee

45 min zone 1
Skipping, lunges, pistols

Admin-  2-3 hours

Work Meeting 12pm
Small Salad + egg+ turkey+ 1/2 sandwich + coffee

4pm Snack Hamburger patty
4:30pm Coaching

7:30pm- CAfe Rio Salad _ Steak + Chicken + 1/2 cup rice + 1/2 tortia
1 cup geleto

Thursday 2/18/2013

Sleep 12am -  7:30am

Coaching 9am
11:30am - 12:45pm Out Door Series Workshop presentation- "Program Design for the Out door Athlete" - went well

1pm LUNCH- Gumbo Sausage Soup 1 cup + 1slice Sourdough + Turkey + veggies

Coaching- 3pm, 4pm

WORKOUT 5:30pm
Warm up; Airdyne 10min + short row intervals 80% x 2-3

2K Row for time
beat my old 2K row by 12sec! 
notes: help 1:53 pace first 500m, 1:55-57 500m, 1:58-2:00 500m, 152-55 500m
breathing was good, able to maintain strong pull through fatigue, after row workut sitting up for 1 minute then crash to the floor like past 2K efforts.

7:00pm- Hamburger Patty + baked Yam
8pm- basketball game (couple handfuls of popcorn + diet coke)