Monday, December 31, 2012

Monday 31st 2012

Woke up this morning woke up *sick* head cold...but can't bail now.... oh well.

New years eve throw down in St George

Team of 2 event (1 male, 1 female)

Event 1- 11am

Dead-lift  #185/135 15ub-9ub (24)
Hand Release Push Ups -9

Power Clean #135/95 15ub-9ub (24)
Partner Sit ups w/ 20# med-ball 21-15-9 (shared)

Thrusters #95/65 8-5 (13)
Pull ups 15ub-8ub-9 (32)
(got weak on final reps...body couldn't *push* no control in breathing or awarness)


Event 2-  1pm

1a. 20 minutes for both team members to find a max BnJ #185

1b. 30 sec AMRAP Back Sq with max jerk weight - 9reps

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Saturday / Sunday 12 -29/30th-2012


9:30 am Workout

1. Behind the Neck Jerks; worked on "do-in them!" haven't hit a BnJ since college.
built to a tough single #165


feeling a little under the weather.
snuffed up nose, body achy :/

took hot bath , airborne, vit c, water....

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Thursday 12-27-2012

slept 8 hours..woke up tired

Breakfast- Green mix, 3 eggs, 1 oz cheese, black coffee

12pm-still tired

Snacking- nuts, jerky, homemade cookie

3pm- 45 min run easy in the snow....

4:30pm snack -jerky + plantean chips

6pm- 10min Airdyne 187 calories
no sweat, bad cramps after (dehydrated?) should have gone out harder in the beginning

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Wednesday 12-26-2012

Sleep 8 hours

 videos coming
Workout @ 12:30pm

A. TnG squat clean; build to a 5 rep max --145#

B. Front squat; build to a max triple -- 175#
EMOM for 30 minutes (changed up exercises to hit specifics for comp next week)
1min - 8 power snatches, below knee #45 worked on pulling fast through pockets
2min - 6 CTB chin ups unbroken
3min-  4 HSPU unbroken, stacked 2 10's for final 3 sets and still got em unbroken :-)
Airdyne sprint 15 seconds @100% (watts 995-865)
rest 1:15
(rest 5 min bw sets 4/5)

Monday, December 24, 2012

Monday 12-24-2012

Today I participated in the 12 days of Christma wokrout with my clients

Just like the song...

1 Heavy Power Clean ( 12 reps)
2 Walk Climbs (24 reps)
3 Pull ups (30 reps)
4 Burpees (36 reps)
5 KBS 1.5 (40 reps)
6 Wall Ball shots (42 reps)
7 Toes to Bar (42 reps)
8 Ball Slams (40 reps)
9 Sumo DL HP (36 reps)
10 Box Jumps (30 reps)
11 Push Ups ( 24 reps)
12 Cal On Rower

34 minutes of Aerobic Work 80%

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sunday 12-23-2012

10pm-7am -Slept 9 hour straight through

A. Squat clean 2/135#, 2/145#, 2/155#, 1/165#, 1/165#, 1/165#; rest 2 min
B. Front squat; build to a tough single fast (not a 1rm) 185#

10 min amrap: 6 rounds + 3 PC
10 power clean 95# 10,10,5-5,5-5,5-5,5-5,3
30 double unders 30,30,30,30,30,30

Rest 12 min

10 min amrap
10 kbs 1.5 pood
10 ring dips
Airdyne 10 calories

Friday, December 21, 2012

Friday 12-21-2012

Today I woke up and felt like I was under water....the past couple weeks have played a toll on me with life transition to a new home, relationship, etc.... my adrenals feel like they have been stomped on.

Today's training session is a "practice" for an event we will be competiting in on Jan. 5th 2012
Feeling like I already did 4 workouts today (but didn't)...I thought I would stay "calm and in control" focus on a good pace, breath, and maintain effort throughout.

3 rounds for time
400m Row
12 Burpees to a plate
15 Power Snatch form below the knee #45

row pace 2:00-2:06 -- kept it at 80% effort
Burpees unbroken and consistent pace
Power Snatch unbroken and good rhythm

time 9:33

everything felt smooth, I was surprised how well it went when I was in it...

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thursday 12-20-2012

Sleep 10pm-5am

5:30am, 6:30am coaching

8am Meal 1- Breakfast + 2 eggs + 3 pc bacon + black coffee

9am coaching

10am-12pm  admin


1. Dead-lift build to tough single #295
2. Push Press build to a tough single # 135
note: dead-lifts unbroken ...
HSPU ahg! first round 12-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 / 4-1-2-2-1-1-1-1-1-1/2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1


Tuesday 12-18-12

10pm-6am 8 hrs (woke up tired)
black coffee
coaching- 6:30am, 9am, 10am

11:30 meal 1- 2 eggs + 3 pc bacon + 1/2 avacado


1. Sq Clean from Blocks at knee; build to a 1RM #175


2. Front Sq @22X1 155/2, 165/2, 175/2

26 minutes
odd 2 sq cleans #135 (no TnG...felt heavy)
even 2 muscle ups



AirDyne Intervals
8 sets of 15sec ALL OUT efforts (watts 995-845)
Rest 1:15
Rest 5min after 4th interval

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wednesday 12-19-2012

45minutee snow shoe

felt good to get out in some fresh powder....steeeep and deeep~

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sunday 12/16/2012

10pm- 8am- 9hrs sleep (woke up at 3am)

8:30am - black coffee

9:15am WORKOUT

12min AMRP
10 push ups unbroken
10 Box j 20"
10 TTB
200m Row
 4 rounds- slow start

rest 8min

12min AMRAP
10 Burpees unbroken
30 Double Unders -broke once
7 rounds + 10 burpees

rest 8min

12min AMRAP
3-4 HSPU 4,3,3,4,3,3,3,3 unbroken
10 cal on AD

10:30- POST WOD almond milk + 1 scoop Progenex

45min hike with dogs----

12pm- 1 slice homemade bread with 1 egg + 2 egg whites, FAG yogurt

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Saturday 12-15-2012

sleep 11pm-7:45am 8.45 sleep

8am- black coffee


Followed the BEING wod form 12/13/12 this morning...just needed to sweat.

8 sets of 500m Row @ 85%

1- 1:54 / 2:00 rr
2- 1:55 / 2:00 rr
3- 1:55 / 2:00 rr
4- 1:57.4 / ----rested 5:00
5- 1:56.7 . 2:00 rr
6- 1:58 /2:00 rr


Warm-up- AirDyne + Dynamic

1. Squat Snatch  2,2,2,1,1,1 / 3:00 rest
#95, 105, 105, 115, 125, 135 missed (got under it...but bar was to far forward)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thursday 12-13-12

Sleep 10pm-6am- 8hrs


11:30am MEAL 1- 4 egg whites + 1 cup yams with butter


1. Build to 1RM snatch the blocks (knee cap) 115# , missed 125 three times...couldn't pull straight through from the blocks had a pause at mid thigh...couldn't accelerate from that position(FRUSTRATING)

2. Fr Sq @ 22X1; 2/155, 2/165, 2/175/ 2min rest

ODD- 10 Wall balls unbroken
EVEN- 6 CTB unbroken

*ctb felt better as time went- more flow


AirDyne 15sec @ 100% / 1:15 rest
Highest watts achieved
1. 995w
2. 934w
3. 884w
4. 865w - painful muscles burning
5. 795w - painful muscles burning
6. 835w - painful muscles burning

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tuesday 12-11-2012

Sleep- 10:00pm- 7:00am

Coaching 8am,9am, 10am

11:30am 2 eggs, 2 pc bacon, handfull nuts
3pm- Greens Drink w/ almond milk

5:30pm-  WORKOUT

10min AMRAP @ 85%
10 DL #115 Tng unbroken
10 Push ups unbroken
200m Run
completed 5 rds

rest 7 min

10min AMRAP @ 85%
10 PC #75 unbroken
10 R Dips 10, 10, 10, 6-4, 5-2-1-1-1
10 Cals AD
4 Rds + 10pc+10R dips (went to hard on the AD in the first 2 rounds, crashed on the final 2 efforts.)

rest 7 min

10min AMRAP
200m Row 1:55 pace, 2:02pace, 2:07 pace
12 Burpees unbroken
5 Rounds + 50m row

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Saturday 12-8-2012

Testers/ Qualifiers for COLD WAR Comp in Northern Utah Jan 5th

Warm up

400m Run - last 400m slow and hard to breath
21 KBS unbroken fast
12 Pullups unbroken -butterfly rd 1,3


rest 20min

Annie @ 85% effort
Double Unders unbroken
Sit ups nbroken


Friday, December 7, 2012

THURSDAY 12-6-2012

10PM-5AM - sleep 7HRS

5:30am, 6:30am Coaching
8am- 2 ggs , 2 pc bacon, black coffee
9am, 10am- coaching
12pm assessment

6pm Workout

1. Sq Clean off high block 2/125, 2/145, 1/165,1/165
2. Push Press #125 3x3
150 wall balls for time
35 +15+15+15+15+15+10+10+10++5+10


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Wednesday 12-5-2012

10pm-6am 8 hours- woke up with alarm, tired could have slept more

6:30am Coaching
7:30am Meal 1- 2 eggs, 2 pc bacon
8:00am, 9:00am coaching
11:00am Consult

5:30pm, 6:30pm Coaching

Workout 7:45pm-8:15pm
25yards on the minute for 30min (freestyle)

* first swim workout today, about 20minutes into the workout my eyes were RED and I'm getting some goggles, also need to use my legs more cause my arms were smoked :-) otherwise it was fun...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday 12-4-2012

Slept 10pm-6am = 8 hours, woke up tired could have slept for 2 more hours!!


8am Meal 1: 2 eggs, 2 pc bacon, 1/2 biscotti, black coffee

9am coaching

Shoulder joints really sore today, they have been for the past week? diet, training? I think I'll cut out gluten/dairy for 2 weeks to see if that helps ;-/

1. Sn Grip DL 3x3 w/ #185
2. Wt Dips 5,5,5 w/ #25
3. Split Jerk 3/105, 3/115, 2/125, 2/135


8 TnG P Snatch below knee #45- worked on speeding up the middle through the thigh
4 HSPU- all kipping
6 KTE - solid
4 R Dips- Solid

2pm- 2 Slices thin crust pizza w/ meat & a beer

7pm-1 Tomato, slice of thin crust pizza w/meat from lunch & water

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday 12-2-2012

 sleep 12pm-9am aaahh! so good 9HRs!!

10am - Meal 1- 2 eggs scrambled with hot sauce + 20 almonds, black coffee
1pm- 2 PB Cookies, black coffee

Workout @ 2:30pm

A. Squat snatch off high blocks; build to a max (video maxes and fails)

B. Front Squat paused @22X1; 3-4 x 3; rest 2 min
155,165,175lbs feeling stronger with tempo
EMOM for 22 minutes
Odd - Hang squat snatch 75# x 4 unbrokn
Even - Muscle ups x2- unbroken first 4 sets then 1.1 after that

got tough last 6 min shoulder were smoked!

Meal 3 @ 5pm - Cafe Rio Salad, 2 oz chicken + 2 oz Steak + tsp Guac + small tortia 

Programming 6-9pm

Meal 4 @ 8:30pm  _ 2 oz beef jerky + 20 almonds + apple + 1 oz Chicken + 5 crackers

Saturday 12-1-2012

Sleep 11:30pm-7:15am - 7.5 hours

8:30am- Max Energy, 1 Scoop Whey Isolate with 1/2 cup almond milk & Water

9am Workout
Did some aerobic work while athletes did their testing

Airdyne 40min
10min Zone 1
30sec 90%
30sec 50%
x 20
10min Zone 1

good sweat

11am- Egg sandwich, latte

7pm- 3oz Chicken, 1.5 cups broccolii,  1/2 avacodo, Tomato

9am watched movie and ate
Movie Snack:  2 oz beef jerky, 2 slice swiss, 20 nuts, diet coke