Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday 9/30/2013

1. Squat Clean off high blocks --build to tough single
#145,155,165,175,185,195 (caught it at the bottom...couldn't stand)
2. Back Squat @32X1- 3,2,1 /2:00---#175,185,205
2min wall balls max with #20 to 9ft; 40,40
2min CTB in sets of 3 unbroken; 21, 24

rest 3:00

3rds @80%
20cal AD
10 Burpees
200m Run

Had some "needling done" on my back after my training session by one of the best Jimmy Yuan...discovered my back was indeed "tight"...this needle was bent when he pulled it out.... awesome

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Saturday 9/28/2013

Back has still been dysfunctional--- feel better but not normal


10min @85%----4 rds
20 cal AD
5 PC+ Jerk #95
12 Sit ups

rest 4:00

10min@85%---4 rds
150m Row
3 PS #95
40 Jump ropes (singles) -----back

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thursday 9/26/2013

1. PC build to 3RM TnG--115,135,145,155,165,175--called it ..back was sketchy
2A. PP 10,10,10 #85 /60sec
2B. KBS 10,10,10 #1.5/60sec---had to really focus on locking in spine to swing
3. 4 Jerks every 90sec starting x 6 (did 4) @ 60% 105,115,135,145....last set was not confident, drive was weak and lock outs incomplete...had to press at top.

frustrated with back, but just doing what I can at the moment....hopefully will be good by next weekend:/

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

TUESDAY 9/24/2013

Coached early AM

1pm- training

1. Sq Clean off high blocks--build to single; ended up building to moderate tough single, lower back is still bugging... #115, #135, #155, #165, #165
2. Back Sq 3 x 3 @ 32X1; #135, #155,#165(with tempo my back was blown up, can't load it right now)

4 sets
90sec wall ball to 9ft--42,42,40,35
90sec 3CTB  unbroken each set--18,18,15,15
rest 3:00

lower back was tight after that...couldn't jump, so just called it for today

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday 9/22/2013

MAP--chose movements that I could do...without back pain
10min @85%
20 cal Airdyne
10 TTB unbroken
20 Walking Lunges

3:00 rest

10min @85%
200m Run
10 alt Db Snatches w/ #35
7 Ring Dips

5rounds each set

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Saturday 9/21/2013

My lower back has been acting up for the past two days...after swimming was when I felt it...not sure the direct cause. Just super stiff and unstable in the lumbar region.

Today I sucked it up...still feeling pain through hips and spine. No fast took out the Oly lifting.

1A. Shoulder Press 10/65, 8/75, 6/85, 4/ 95, 2/100 /60sec
1B. DB Torso Row 5 x 10 w/ #50
100m Prowler
rest 2:00
5 Rope Climbs
5 Wall walks
5 Rope Climbs
5 Wall Walks
rest 2:00
100m Prowler Push

16:45 minutes including the rest
prowler was tough!!!! did rope climbs cause couldn't kip hard with back for bar muscle ups

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday 9/18/2013--Double

Slept good..much needed

AM-- finshed ES work I missed yesterday

4 sets
1min WB max 29,29,29,29 all unbroken
1min CTB max 18,16,12,12--lost core connection again when breathing was high
rest 3:00

200m Row @ 90% x 4 /rest walk 30sec
45s,46s,45s,47s---averaged about 1:52-1:55

Swim 25m x 30 EMOM
this felt easy...breathing is better, core felt tired/weak after lap 25

Later that night in bed I felt like I needed to pop my back (lower thoracic,upper lumbar area)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday 9/17/2013

Coaches early morning 5:30am-8:30am

tired, knees achy, frustrated with how well im NOT handling stressors.

1. SQ Clean off high blocks; build to tough double #175 (did 2 sets of 2)---super tough today
2. Back Squat 5/175, 4/190, 3/200, 2/205, 1/210--- I know I should be doing more weight if I was feeling optimal, but not in the tank today.
3. Ghd Raises 3 x 10/ 60sec---feels like my Posterior Chain is weak, wanted to add this

called it after lifting....

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday 16/2013

10 min amrap @85% ---3 rounds
Run 200m 
Row 200m 
AD 20cals 
Rest 4 min
10 min amrap @ 100% (did 90%...didn't notice the 100%)---3 ladders
1 strict chin up 
1 pc and jerk 95# 
3 strict chin ups 
3 pc and jerk 95# 
5 strict chin ups 

5 pc and jerk 95#
Stress today... changes in biz and drama with some athletes.
Dumped one of my best athletes because of attitude... 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday 9/15/2013

today I played outside on my new bike....single speed :-)
the weather was great and it felt good to just be out messing around.

Planning on hitting the MAP work I missed to day on Monday AM

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Saturday 9/14/2013

A. emom - snatch balance x 2 - 10mins ---started #95 and work with #115 for the last 5 sets
B. BB bent row @10X1; 4-7/arm rest 90sec x 3-4sets 
for time 
20 HSPU 
prowler push 30m hi grip heavy grinder speed 
15 HSPU 
prowler push 30m hi grip heavy grinder speed 
10 HSPU 
prowler push 30m hi grip heavy grinder speed 

HSPU felt good, prowler was tough, breathing messed up the hspu for last 15 reps.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday 9/11/2013

1. Build to a tough 3RM Power Clean--#185
2A. Press 10/55, 8/65,6/75,4/85,95/2 /60sec
2B. KBS 4 x 10 @15.pd /60sec
3. PC+SJ x 5 /90sec rest focus was form over load- 145, 165,165,165,165

20 wall balls to 10ft unbroken
15 Pull ups (10-5, 4-5-3-3, 7-3-3-2)
rest 3:00
---this was really tough today, struggled with CTB

min 1- 10 burpees
min 2- 25 DU's
---good breather

swim 25m x 25
mixed up freestyle, combat and breast stroke
felt good with breathing in the pool actually put together combat & breast as a 50m piece

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday 9/10/2013

40 min Airdyne + every 5min 3 Inverts form dead hang

felt good

busy day early am classes...late night coaching, save swim for tomorrow

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday 9/9/2013

1. Sq Clean off High blocks; build to tough single  #185
2. Back Squat @ 40x0; 8/175, 6/185, 4/200 -3:00 rest

A little sore and tired from comp...hitting the ES work Wednesday

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Team of 4 Competition

Event 1:10min CAP
410m Sprint with Rubber Gun
Find 2RM Front Squat
  • ran 1:15-20ish 400m
  • 195# 2RM in the Grass
EVENT2: 2 athletes 15min CAP
30 DB Snatch's
heavy ball carry in water, drop at 5ft mark swim to end
10 burpees
swim to ball, retrieve it from bottom of pool
carry to starting line

EVENT 3: all athletes (4); wearing wt'd vest whole time (30lb)
completed 20 burpee
Helped carry 360lb yoke 50ft
50ft SB Lunge #25 overhead
Gerdy carry 410yards with all SB (walk, run)
50ft SB Lunge #25 overhead
Helped carry 360lb yoke 50ft
completed 20 burpees

FINAL : All athletes (men work in pairs then women)
75 Back Squats (95#)--complete 30
50 Pull ups (completed 30)
25 PP (95#)--completed 15
75 Front Squats (65#) --completed 40
50 Pull ups (completed 30)
25 PP (65#)---completed15
45 OHS (45lb) (made it to 25 OHS)
50 pull ups --DND

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Not a good week.....Not feeling good

Sunday/Monday- Lake Powell
Tuesday- Not feeling well

Wednesday 9/4/2013________________________________________
1. Build to a tough single in high box Sq Clean; #175--low energy
2. Back Squat 3 x 5-6@40X1/3:00 --#195 for all sets completed 5 reps all sets

Thursday 9/5/2013__________________________________________

still feeling down
went for a massage

then headed to the gym to do something...

1. Power Clean 5 RM; build in 12min---#165- tough

Hoping tomorrow I feel normal...heading to Camp Williams for a weekend "Team" Competition. Should be fun....if I'm feeling right.