Saturday, August 31, 2013

Saturday 8/31/2013

Hot Shots WOD

completed it in teams of 3 (Kelvin, Whit, Me)
we did all the work as individuals just took turns working through each exercise

6 rounds
30 air squats 30, 15-15,15-15,15-15,15-15,15-15
19 PC #95---12-7,11-8,11-8, 7-7-5,7-7-5, 19 UB
7 strict pull ups 7,7,4-3,4-3,4-2-1,4-3
400m Run 85%

team finished at 40:00

Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday 8/30/2013

A. emom - snatch balance x 2 - 8mins moderate weight perfect form --used 85lbs
B. DB bent torso row @20X1; 4-6/arm rest 45sec btw arms x 3-4sets --used 70lbs ea hand
for time: 
20 wall walks for time

--lost control in mideline when trying to put more than 2 together in the last 6-8 reps

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday 8/28/2013

1. Build to 5RM Power Clean in 12minutes
#145, #155, #165 felt strong today...put on 185 for fun hit it 2 x TnG...I want 5 so we shall see~
2A. Press 2-4 @12X1/60sec rest #75/4, #85/4, 90/3, 90/3, 90/3
2B. RDL 3-4@30X1/60sec rest #145/4, 155/4, 175/3, 175/3
3. PC+2SJ x 3 /3:00 #145, 155, #165

make up form yesterday
500m Swim Time Trial
14:01---had to stop after every 25m for a breath or two or three. :-)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday 8/27/2013

Coached early am classes

45min Airdyne 588 calories ---stopping every 9minutes to do 10 unbroken TTB. 

felt good all the way through.

After 4pm---hit a wall TIRED.
coached night session.
bed early 9:30pm

Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday 8/26/2013

A. squat clean off high blocks - build to tough single #185--had to work hard for it, not at easy as couple weeks ago....
B. back squat @30x1; 2-3; rest 3min x3 #195/3, 205/2, 215/2---felt good with tempo

4 sets 
3 TGU/arm 1pd
20 DU UB
12 CTB chin ups
UB, UB, 9-3, fell apart 7-3-2 (core disconnected swinging like a fn monkey?)
rest 3mins 


Row 40sec 90% effort 
rest walk 1mins x 5 

176m/1:47-48 ---had nothing 

I knew going into today it would be a battle, stress from thinking about transition/life caught up to me...need to be more resilient with my thoughts by letting them come and go...not come and grind through em...over and over. body responded as expected...achy in joints and sluggish. My goal this week is to rebound and keep my mind in a positive state looking forward...reality is there is nothing negative happening in my life. Its all goooooood.   :)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Saturday 8/24/2013

 Never ending Flight Stimulator Challenge with members....did a shit ton of DU ladder up to  60reps by 5's, including some misses...
10 min amrap @85%
FLR on rings 30sec
8 KBS 1.5pd (switched out DU)
10 walking lunges 
Rest 4 min
10 min amrap @85%
AD .2miles 
10 situps 
3 PS/arm 1pd

Felt good with all work....5-6 rounds

butt cheeks were sore sunday from LUNGES! really?? lol

Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday 8/23/2013

A. snatch balance build to a tough single #115 (not feeling it, head wasn't in it)
B. wtd chin up 2-3; rest 2-3mins x 5 (#35/3's)
for time: 7:56
FW 1.5pd/hand 50m 
5 wall walks 
3 rope climbs 15' 
5 wall walks 
6 burpee MU --limiter (one at a time 15-30s break between reps, 1 miss)
FW 1.5pd/hand 50m

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thursday 8/22/2013

Swim make up....
EMOM 25m @ 85% x 30

felt good in the pool today

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wednesday 8/21/2013

A. Build to a tough 5rm TnG PC in 12mins #125,#135,#145#155 tough today
B1. Shoulder press @20X1; 6/75, 6/75, 4/85, 4/85, 2/95 ; rest 1min 
B2. KBS 1.5pd; 10; rest 90sec
C. PC x 1/SJx2; rest 3min x 3 #135,#155,#165
D. emom - MU + 5-6 ring dips - 5mins ---DND

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tuesday 8/20/2013

Make up from last Saturday.....
10 min amrap @85%
FLR on rings 30sec
5 box jump step down 24"
5 clean and jerk TnG 75#
Rest 4 min
10 min amrap @85%
5 T2B unbroken
10 KBS 1pd
10 back extensions
20min AD @ Zone 1 pace

felt good for each 10min set ...between 5-6 rounds a piece

Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday 8/19/2013

1. Sq Clean;Build to tough double off high blocks #135, #155, #165, #175
2. Back Sq @ 30X1; 5x3-4/3:00 #175/4,195/3, 205/3, 205/3, 205/3
EMOM 12min
4 Thrusters #95
8 COVP Pull ups

12 Ghd Sit ups
25 Unbroken DU
30sec rest 


Friday, August 16, 2013

Friday 8/16/2013

10min AD Warm up

1. SQ Snatch off high blocks; build to max...
#115, #125 (easy), #135 (easy), #140 (caught it but lost it in front.) PR today ...OH position feel stronger.
2. DB bent row 3 x 5-6 /90sec #70
Build to a 1RM PS in - 8min ---#130 (lil' off)
80% of 1RM PS 2 reps EMOM for 10min ---#105 (felt solid)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wednesday 8/14/2013

A. RDL @3111; 3-4; rest 2min x 4 moderate --#135
B1. close grip bench press @20X1;8, 6, 4, 2; rest 1min #115,125,135,145
B2. PC TnG 115# x 4-5; rest 90sec ---good
C. PC x 1/PP x 4-5; rest 3min x 3 ---#95,#115, #125
D. FLR on rings accumulate 4mins---good

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tuesday 8/13/2013

coached early morning classes....then
45min Airdyne at z1...good sweat 550 calories

Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday 8/12/2013

1. Sq Clean off high blocks; build to tough single #190 (video below)
2. Back Squat 4 x 4-5 @40X1 /3:00 #155, #175, #185, #185
PC+8 Front Squat; build each set #105, #115, #125

AMRAP CTB (12,10,10)
rest 3:00
3 sets
10ft HSPU- broken
75 DU - broken 2-3 times-shoulder on fire
rest 90sec

Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday 8/9/2013

Warm up- AD+ Power Snatch build ups

30 PS @ 95lbs
2:00 flat
cool down 10min AD
heading out to camp for the weekend!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thursday 8/8/2013

1. Build to a tough Single Snatch Balance #125
2. Wt Chin ups 3/#25, 2/#30, 2/#35, 2/#45, 2/#50 /2:00 rest

ran out of time...had to coach.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wednesday 8/7/2013

45minute AirDyne
-every 15min 3rds of; 2 MU's + 8 TTB
-felt good, tired on TTB

1. Build to 5RM TnG PC-12min
#105, #125, #145, #165 for 5RM
2A. Shoulder Press 5,4,3,2,1 / 60rr #75,#75, #85, 90---can't press, feel weak here shoulders achy on presses
2B. KBS 1.5pd x 10 /60RR

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tuesday 8/6/2013

VERY tired today (blah) under water feeling...need more quality sleep

1 Hour C Trail Hike easy effort

Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday 8/5/2013

1. Sq Clean off High Blks; build to tough double
got #165...barely-felt off with it
2. BSQ 8/155,6/175,6/185,4/200 @ 30x0/3:00min
felt good
15KBS 1.5pd unbroken
COVP amrap (20,17,15)
3:00 RR

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Satuday 8/2/2013

 This workout was prescribed for Friday ...BUT thursday, friday I have been a little stressed with life stuff. Making decisions are key (no matter how big or small). I reminded myself again to Never stop making decisions, it slows forward momentum and  fucks up focus. 

1. Build to max Sq Snatch off High Blocks ---#115, not so confident with the sq snatch :/
2. DB Row 3 x 5-6 @ 30x0; 90sec rest--#70/h
Power Snatch build to max- 8min---#135, 5lb PR
rest 2min
Take 80% and Complete 2 PS EMOM-10min ---#110