Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tuesday 4/30/2013

Big work day today...coached all mornig sessions 5:30-9:00 then worked out fasted. HAd clients all afternoon, and jsut didn't feel "good at all" to hit a second workout.

10:30am Training

1. Clean and Jerk; build to a tough single fast #125, #145, #155, #165, #175 (felt easier today coming out of the squat and transitioning to the Jerk.)

2. For Time
CTB ( good)
Ring Dips (tough!, 5s' to singles)
13minute- due to dips

Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday 4/29/2013

AM training 10am

for time
75 Toes to Bar (ended up breaking these up quit a bit, no grip)
75 Burpees (felt solid..slow and steady)
75 Box Jumps step down (felt good with step down)


definitely didn't feel speedy...just work. 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday 4/28/2013

Travel back home....

7PM- training

1. Build to a max Snatch ( just built to a tough power snatch)85# 105#, 115#, 125#, #125
125# was tough hit it twice....

2. 30 Sq Clean for time #135 - 7:23
legs tired, just hit it at moderate intensity

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Ragnar Trail Series 2013 Saturday 4/27/2013

12AM- Run #2 - 3.8 miles (Zone 1-2 effort). Ups and Downs, single track running

3:30-6:30AM: sleeping

9AM- Run #3- 3.9 miles (80% effort)

Slept, ate and hydrated....

Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday 4/26/2013 - Double

AM- 8am

Protein Shake + Greens + BCAA+ Glutamine

Warm up- Row/Airdyne interval 5 minutes

For time
3 rds
350m Row 1:52-54
15 Ghd Sit ups unbroken
30 Double unders


10am Travel to Zion for with the Ragnar Trail Series Team

1pm- Set up camp on East Rim

2pm-Trail Run 3.9 miles with hills and sand 85% aerobic Effort (40 minutes)
*felt a little depleted in the climb


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thursday 4/25/2013

PM Training

practiced Bar Muscle ups...got em'

ODD- 5 PS 60% 75#
EVEN- 1 rope climb 20ft
ODD- 2 PS 85% 95#
EVEN- 3 strict pull ups

felt good with all the work....glad to get the bar muscle up today, check off the list. Still need to figure out how to get my knees to love pistols :-)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday 4/24/2013


1. Sq Clean and JErk - build to a tough single fast #175
20 Parallete HSPU ...singles and doubles
40 TTB
40 Hand Release push ups
* this was a tough one today...fatigue in all sections came quickly


1k row
50 thruster #35 (40-10)
30 pull ups (20-5-5)
7:19 PR!

felt good all the way through...was able to hold pace without a big fight to breath.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday 4/22/2013

Sunday - I was very sore (calves) and fatigued.  Took a walk with the dogs in was a gorgeous day...and finished up a project for school.

AM- 10:30 (i crippled myself...calves are still jacked, did some active release on feet, gave me some reflief)

1. Build to a max Power Clean & Jerk #135, #155, #165, #175, #185 (missed 3 times, no go today)
2. Dead-lift 50 reps for time #185; completed in 3:21

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Saturday 4/20/2013- DOUBLE

 Woke up and calves are torn up!
 Replaced 3 rds of Cj's x 7 #135 + 50 DU's for the Dead-lift +HSPU workout i didn't due last week, due to adventure race.

am- protein shake +BCAA's

AM- 10am

800m Run (4:12)
30 DL #185 (10-5-5-5-5)
30 HSPU (6,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1)
12+ minutes...forgot to look at clock, need to build more confidence with hspu...and not approach it as a fail.

(2 meals btw wods)

PM- 6pm

10 rds for time
10 CTB 10,6-4,6-4,6-4,6-4,6-4,6-4,5-5,5-3-2,5-3-2
10 OHS unbroken

16:05... felt good as I got into round 4 found a pace, then got tough at set 8, need to stay strong to finish. After I was done I relied double training days are getting easier.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday 4/19/2013 Double

AM- 10am
1. Sq Clean x 1 / Hang Sq Clean x 1 / Front Sq x 3; rest 2:00 x 5

2. Push Press x 5 / Push Jerk x 3 / Split Jerk x 1; rest 2:00 x 5

3. Heavy TGU- build to 3/side #30/3 side, #40/3 side
* left arm was hard to keep stable on last set of 3 with 40lb

4. 30 muscle ups for time (30 double unders on the top of each minute)
3-2's first 12 reps..then all singles, lost a couple minutes doing just du's.

29:57 finish ( almost 900 double unders.... )  

PM- 5pm

warm up: 500m row + dynamic str+ 30sec row sprints x 6/ 30sec rest

500m Row (1:52-54)
50 Burpees 40-10 (slow a steady)
500m Row (2:02-04)

8:15 finish

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday 4/17/2013 DOUBLE

AM- 10am
warm up- 5min AD + dyn

ODD- 5 PC @ 65% 1RM (#125)
EVEN- 3 L Pull ups

Tng every other minute on PC
Couldn't keep legs up for all sets, had to reset legs before each rep

PM 5pm

7min AMRAP.
750m Row - buy in....(3:05)

7 Power Snatchs #95
7 Burpee Box Jump 24"
2 rounds + 2 snatches

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday 4/16/2013


1. Sq Clean and Jerk; build to a tough single fast #135, #145, #155, #165
10min AMRAP
10 CTB
3 Parrellet HSPU (kipping, no deficit)

5 rounds + 10CTB+1 HSPU

HSPU off the parrellettes were tough to string together.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Saturday 4/13/2013 AXS MOAB

7:30 am Start

41 mile Mt Bike ride with 4,500ft of climbing;5 hours  (painful)
(transition to Rapple)
Hike to Rapple 160ft; 45minutes +
(transition back on Bike)
6-7 mile Bike to Run 45minutes+
(Transition to Run)
8 mile run + canyoneering; 1:30 minutes
(transition to Kayak)
9 mile kayak down Colorado river; 1:35 minutes

finish time 5:45pm

SO AWESOME and FUN!! Just knowing you can push your body to limits outside of the gym makes it sooooo worth it.... can't wait till next year

Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday 4/12/2013

Friday 10am

1. Build to a Max Sq Snatch #125
2. 20 reps for time Sq Snatch #105...completed 7:46; missed 4 reps mostly cause of technique
(saw that is was for 30 reps after I was done)
3 rounds for time
25 calories AD
21 KBS 1.5 (15-6,15-6,21)
12 CTB pull ups (6-6,6-6,8-4)


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wednesday 4/10/2013 Double

AM- 10:30

warm up- AD-Dyn Stretch

1. Sq Clean; build to max #135,#155,#165,#175 (that was tough...called it)
2. Fr Sq 3x3; 145,155,165/3min rest
3. Split Jerk; Build to max- knees not feeeling it - really achy...(hit a few at #155)
4. TGU 5 ea/h #20- feeling tired

PWO- hamburger patty, 1 slice grian bread, 10 asparagus spears

PM- 4:30pm

2k Row (2:10 pace)
50 TTB (10-10-10-5-5-5)
1k Row (2:10-08 pace)
50 Box J 24" (step down)
500m Row (2:03 pace)
50 Ghd Sit ups (15-10-then broken into chunks)


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tuesday 4/9/2013

Was supposed to start Wednesday with training, but I will be adventure racing Saturday and traveling/recovering.

1. wt chin up 2-3x4; rest 2min #25,#25,#30,#30 all 3 reps..
EMOM for 20min:
ODD- 2 PC @ 75% 1RM #155
EVEN- 2MU's (alternated false and no false grip)

felt good..shoulders tired..hit single for last couple minutes in muscle ups

PM- (did not do)DND
5 rounds for time
2 rope climbs
10 Bsq #155
Run 400m

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sunday 4/7/2013

Final Attempt 13.5
pre workout mix

15 thrusters
10-5 CTB
12-3 thursters
6-4-3-2 (2:40 done..right on pace)
6-3-2-4 (don't remember last 4 thrusters, hit a WALL) (3:37 done)
1-1-1-1X missed chest on 4

78 painful reps

Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday 4/5/2013

Attempt # 2 with 13.5
pre workout mix

15 thrusters
9-3-3 CTB
11-4 thrusters
4-3-3-3-2 CTB
9-3-3 thrusters


need less sets in CTB

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wednesday 4/3/2013

AM- rested

6:00 PM- Open 13.5 Release

4min+ Fran (90reps to continue0
15 Thrusters #65
15 CTB

1st attempt
72 reps

15 thrusters
15 CTB

felt mentally weak, couldn't stay in the SUCK, felt out of practice with it

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tueday 4/2/2013

Sore from Monday's  work

5:30am, 6:30am, 9am Coaching

Did not train...

AM work prescribed

3 sets
PPX10 you choose
row 90sec@ best 2kpace
rest 90sec

DL TnG x 10 you choose
AD 90sec @ 80%

rest 90sec

FLR on floor- accumulate 5min

PM- off

Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday April 1st

 Energy low today

1. Back Squat @ 20X1;3/165, 3/185, 1/205, 1/215
felt heavy today
2. Bench Press @ 30X0;3/115,3/125,3/125-rest 2min
felt heavy today
3. CTB chinups amrap x 3- 15,12,12
4. 30 TGU- for time20kgalt/rep...did not do

10min Max ADcalories...did not do