Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wednesday & Thursday 29/30 Prep

skills and practice all movements +
Burpee Muscle ups 3 sets of 4 reps
Rope Climbs x5
Some aer work on back end - AD 30/30 x 8 (felt good)

same as WEd, freshen up, keep moving, little run interval session, practice skills, row pacing,
pacing on row + thrusters 4-5+ pull ups 3-5 x 3 sets

lil' sore on the arms and knees.....

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday 5/28/2013

 WU0 Ad- Dynamic Stretching
kipping HSPU practice  few sets of 2-3 then 20 for time (10-3-2-2-3)
pistol practice after good warm up ( completed 20-30 reps)
A. OHS Complex- 4-5 sets build up to #125 performed 3 reps every set
snatching up #125 takes to much energy, going to clean and then pp behind the head...
Row 1 min @ 95%
rest 3 min x 2
300m per set

unusually stiff and sore today

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday 5/26/2013

odd - 5 kipping HSPU
even - 5 T2B
 rest as needed
Regional WOD 7 -clean/rope climb wod
Finish time 6:32 (1min better than last 2 previous times)
rope climbs were better (trying for 3 pulls with diff foot placment)
Sq Cleans  set #1; 2-1-1, then all other sets broke up to singles, felt better control and consistancy with quick single as opposed to holding on to the bar.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Saturday 5/25/2013

70 reps of 100's workout
70 Wall Balls 35-15-10-10
70 CTB 8-4 reps altenating depending on feel 
70 pistols (completed 30) around 15minutes in.....
70 DB Snatch (completed 10) for some reason I thought the cap was I just stopped. I feel solid in DB Snatches so I didn't want to hit 70 of those. My goal is to get through pistols this year.

3 hours rest

DL - 205# UB, 6-6, 5-4, 3-3
BJ - 24" Unbroken with jump downs

5:21 finish time

Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday 5/24/2013

12 pm
OHS - build to the 3RM like in regionals - missed 125 first attempt fell forward (sit back!) re grouped hit all sets clean up to 140lb after that....
rest 2 min
amrap in 7 min - burpee muscle ups (19 reps) - slow constant pace

feel good about both tests above...just don't have the practice to take a risk on the OHS day 1. Am planning to start @ 125#

rest 15 min

3 min max reps; rest 1 min b/t efforts:
CJ - 80# for 3 min - 30reps
Row Cals for 3 min - 45cal
DU's for 3 min - 185 reps
tired on second peice of training today....

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday 5/22/2013

3 rds for time:
Row 400 m (2:05)
15 HSPU kipping (3-4 sets)
15 T2B UB, UB 10-5
15 KBS - 1.5 pd UNBROKEN

A. clean - build to a max ( #185)
B. clean - 135# cluster -; rest 90 sec x 5 (felt solid)
for time:
100 wall balls - game pace (around 5 min)
50 T2B (was difficult)
row 800 m


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday 5/21/2013

comp style warm up...then...

4 sets:
5 TnG DL tough (#225)
10 BJ's - 24" game pace (jumped down)
10 burpees AFAP
rest 90 sec

Rest the rest of the day after this workout

3 rds for time:
Row 400 m (2:05)
15 HSPU kipping (3-4 sets)
15 T2B UB, UB 10-5
15 KBS - 1.5 pd UNBROKEN

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday 5/19/2013

Regional Simulation Wods


Workout 6
100 DU - 1:07
50 HSPU - 11:00
40 TTB- fatigued on this more than I thought. 5-3's
30 Fat Bar S2O #100 got 15 reps (broke up into 5, triples then double...)
90 ft Lunge...didnt make the time cap


Workout 7
15ft Climb x 2
100ft Sprint
4 Sq Cleans #135
100ft Sprint

7:21- rope climbs slow....wen out to hot in squat cleans...going to break up.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

SAturday 5/18/2014


60 Wall Balls (35-15-10)
60 CTB (8-6 then 5's)
60 Pistols (only did 20...took awhile)
60 Db Snatch (20-20-20)



Dead Lift #205 (10-5, 4-4-4, 3-3-1-1-1)
Box Jumps 24" (step downs....need to jump down next time)


Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday 5/17/2013

Friday regional simulation workouts as written


1. Jackie
Row 2:05 pace
Thrusters 35-8-7
Pullups 8-6-6-4-3-3


2. OHS Complex

Started 125#- power snatched up...
130#- clean and behind head
#135- clean and behind head

just not confident in heavy loads behind neck and OHS.... what to go #155, might be to risky

3. MU +Burpees

16 reps (stopped to fix rings when one slipped - took around 1 minute.)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wednesday 5/15/2013

A. Burpee muscle ups; amrap in 1 min x4; rest 1 min
4,4,3,3 reps completed
B. OHS; build to a tough triple from the ground in 7 min (90% effort,
jump as you please in weights)
built to #125
For time:
50 wall ball 35-15
25 CTB 10-5-5-5
20 pistols DID ASSISTED
50 DB snatch 50# completed

around 12 minutes

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tuesday 5/14/2013


10min Z1 AirDyne
30sec @ 85%
30sec @50%
x 20
10min Zone 1 AirDyne
Kipping HSPU practice 2-3 only, work on speed- max 30 reps
-still need to need more aggressive in the drop and knees coming down further.


rope climb tech work- EMOM for 10min- 20ft climb
- practiced ..BIG JUMP...different foot placement on rope AND not pre-pulling with the arms. felt better

Monday, May 13, 2013

monday 5/13/2013

9am OPT
warm up...then worked on KNEE, electrical shock therapy :-) and taping.  Taping lower patella seemed to help.

Burpee Muscle up practice
2-3 reps every 90sec x 3-4 sets
10 reps for time....around 3 minutes - need to lock out dip, burpee muscle up burpee REST...repeat.

pacing will make me or break me on this wod...goal for regional 20+ reps

HSPU practice
3 reps x 4 sets...practiced speed
25 reps for time; don't remember time...seemed better than last test a few days ago...don't go till will determine success.


250 Row @ 90%
30 DU UB
20 Db Snatch ...constant mov't
rest 2-3 min
 x 3

felt good with intervals....breathing was good throughout

had no breakfast all morning trained fasted

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Saturday 5/11/2013

AM OPT- 9am

Workout 6
100 Double Unders (broken)
50 HSPU (3-6 reps...about 13min on the clock when completed)
40 TTB 10-10-10-10
30 S2O with fat grips #105 (5-5-5-5-5-5)
90ft lunges go with left knee

PM- Workout 7 at 480 w/ amanda goodman

4 rounds
2 15ft Rope climbs
100ft sprint
4 Sq Cleans
100ft sprint.


ropes were too slow.....need to practice different foot tech, sq cleans felt heavy today.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday 5/10/2013

 Thursday...left ceder city at 8pm-arrived in flagstaff 12pm. Left flag at 7:30am...

12pm-  OPT facility

shake out after drive
5 min AD
Dynamic Stretches
Pistol Work
Discussion with James- about left knee

2pm- 480 facility- JACKIE

15min HSPU practice (worked on kip) + Double unders

Warm up for Jackie
150m Row
3-5 Thrusters
2-3 pull ups
rest 90sec x 5 (one too many for me)

1k row (pace 2:05-8)
50 Thrusters ( 33-4-4-5-4) tried to move bar afap
30 Pull-ups 10-5-5-3-3-2-2) grip was smoked


notes: feel like row needs to stay easy...thruster pace might need to slow down with pause at top to breath....this might help pull up time.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wednesday 5/8/2013

AM- 10am

pistol practice- can do em on the right leg (using plate and box as drills), left knee wont go.

10min AMRAP @ 90-95%
10 PC+Jerk #75
10 CTB
10 Box Jumps 24"(step downs)

4 rounds

Rested 8-10 min

10min AMRAP @ 90-95%
10 DB Snatch #50 unbroken
10 Burpees unbroken
20 DU unbroken

5 rounds

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tuesday 5/7/2013 DOUBLE

Sleep 10pm-3:30am woke up and couldn't get back to sleep
5:30am, 6:30am coaching
Build to 1RM OHS 2,2,2,1,1,1 / 3:00RR
#105,#115, 125...LEFT KNEE!!! no go today...

EMOM for 30 minutes - 1 Burpee Muscle Up no false grip for all reps....
felt fantastic! will move to 1 BMU every 30sec next

(so tired today...took a 90min nap and still felt like crap)

PM 7pm
Not feeling good-tired unmotivated...
1K (4:00)
50 Thrusters #45 (25,35,40,47,50)
30 Pull ups (10,5,5,5,5)

7:58--- score and broken sets...reflected SUCK factor....not a good day to test this.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Saturday 5/4/2013 Double

10 AM Session

10min AMRAP
10 HPC #135 (10/5-3-2/5-3-2/5-3-2)
10 TTB (unbroken)
200m Run

4 Rounds completed
running was slow, felt like if I pushed I would have to break up HPC way more.

7PM Session

5 Rounds
20 Back Sq # 95 (20, 15-5, 15-5, 15-5, 15-,5)
10 HSPU (5-3-2/4-3-3/2-2-3-3-/3-2-2-1-1)

HSPU felt better, my kipping tech felt more effective, drawing my knees down further and getting my hips back more...I hope that is better tech :-/ felt like it.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday 5/3/2013 Double

Am Session

Tired this morning even after an off day, couldn't get "Fired up".

1. Sq Clean & Jerk #135,#155,#165,#175, #185 (got the sq clean twice, missed the jerk barely both times super frustrating-thought I was going to hit it today)
2. TGU- #45 (feel like a big puss with this, knees, shoulders don't like it at all.)


- 5PM Session- had to drink a lil' coffee to get me going for this workout, just tired today :/  Row felt good, DU were a mess at some points. But got it done.

1K Row (4:05)
50 Unbroken DU
500m Row
100 broken up DU
150 broken up DU



Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wednesday 5/1/2013 DOUBLE

9 AM

Greens+protein shake + BCAA+Glutamine

EMOM for 18 minute
ODD- 2 PC 85% #165
EVEN- 1 rope climb

EMOM 14 minute
ODD- Power Snatch 85% #105
EVEN- 2 MU alternating with 3 HSPU

notes: oly lifts felt solid, ropes easy, gymnastic work was harder because I was just sore today.

Meal = 2ggs + 2 oz turkey+ veggies + orange

3 PM

100 Airdyne Calories (267w)
50 Box Jumps 24" (step down)
75 Airdyne Calories (251-288w)
25 Ghd Sit ups (unbroken)
breathing felt good, box jumps were the slowest with step down tech

PWO- Recoverite

Meal =4 oz steak + veggies + 1/2 banana+5 strawberries.